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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sitting Ducks

Hello All,

Most of you that have known me for any length of time know I retired just a little over a couple of months ago from our state run correctional system.  I did not make it to the very top, and I really did not want to.  But I did reach a point where I had access to some fairly high-level info concerning some of those at the top.  I learned some interesting things. 

One of my observations was that when you reach a certain point of the upper echelon in state corrections any big thing happens under your domain that sets a negative pall on the department, you may be gone with little or no warning.  If you reach that upper level, you serve at the pleasure of the warden, or if you are a warden or higher, you serve at the pleasure of the governor. 

These things have variations however.  If you are at that level and not so well liked, one bad event will get you terminated, or get an adverse demotion that will often come with a transfer to someplace you did not really want to go.  If you are well liked by the powers that be, you can mess up time and time again before you will actually have to face the music.  And when you do, you will be allowed to “honorably” retire for “reasons unrelated to” whatever the matter was.  Or the rest of us will be told it was for personal reasons.  Who you know, what you know, and particularly if you know something fishy about one or more of those of whom you served under, will often determine that the last one of these will apply. 

Did I just say that there was corruption in high places?  Yes, I did.  Did I imply that what I learned about some in the state also apply to the federal level?  Most certainly!

I have to agree with Charlie Daniels that the Napolitanos, Holders, and others who serve at the pleasure of those at the top (and who would that be) are riding high “in the car” and sooner or later will be gone.  But I have to wonder just how much damage they will do us in the meantime.  The bad guys we face as a nation want to kill us as a nation!  They are not so different than the bad guy inmates I met in state corrections.  There are just many more of them, have a lot more power, and are not locked up any place. 

I hope enough Americans learn soon that those in the high levels of government should be serving at our pleasure, or fired at our displeasure. 


Gill Rapoza
Veritas Vos Liberabit

Sitting Ducks 
By Charlie Daniels
January 01, 2010

What has to happen in America to convince people that the Obama administration is in way over its head, in danger of drowning and taking the whole country down with them?

When a man on the terrorist watch list gets on a plane headed for America it is totally unacceptable. The system failed miserably and what was Janet Napolitano’s first reaction? She said something to the effect that the system worked just fine.

If this doesn’t demonstrate just how lost the Obama administration is I don’t know what will, short of another 9/11-style attack or something even worse.

There have recently been instances of Middle Eastern types coming aboard a plane in numbers, reserving the seats closest to the main fuel tanks, belligerently refusing to shut off their cell phones and arrogantly refusing to abide by regulations.

They are doing “dry runs”, probing our defenses or lack there of, planning for a day when by hook or by crook, inefficiency or political correctness they can slip explosives on board a plane.

People of America, please listen to me. This is not about the economy; it’s not about health care. It’s about the very survival of the United States of America.

It’s about the lives of your children being in danger, not on the mean streets of Baghdad or the mountains of Afghanistan, but right here at the shopping centers, schools and commercial plane flights in our hometowns.

Obama’s lackadaisical and passive attitude toward Islamic terrorism puts the country in more danger with every passing hour. These people don’t have the foggiest idea of what’s going on and the clear and present danger of another attack on American soil.

Their response has been to move scumbag mass murderers from the safe confines of Guantanamo Bay to the largest city in America where all kind of havoc can be wreaked on the biggest and most densely settled population mass in the country.

As they used to say in the Marine Corps, Janet Napolitano don’t pack the gear to be the Secretary of Homeland Security.

How can a woman who doesn’t even consider the War on Terror serious enough to call it what it is, possibly conduct the deadly business of securing the homeland from terrorist attack?

Obama should replace her immediately with a Colin Powell or a Tommy Franks or somebody of their ilk who understands terrorism and the dedication of the terrorists.

Janet Napolitano treats the War on Terror as if was bridge game and people if something isn’t done about the downright inability and inexperience of this administration America could well become an armed camp in the next few years.

Does anybody out there think that Osama Bin Laden, the Taliban or al-Qaeda is seriously afraid of Barack Hussein Obama and the bunch of idealistic snobs who serve under him?

He can’t even gain the respect of an insignificant little tin dictator like Hugo Chavez, much less the likes of the hard-core maniacs in al-Qaeda.

His sickening “it’s all America’s fault” speeches around the world must be a real source of humor and encouragement to them.

These people are minor leaguers playing in a Super Bowl situation. Their naivety and arrogant politically correct approach to the War on Terror is going to get a lot of people killed if somebody with authority in Washington doesn’t wake up from spending our children’s inheritances long enough to do something about the scatterbrained negligence of the Janet Napolitanos and Eric Holders.

And these idiots expect America to docilely give up their guns.


And my advice to you America is if you ain’t got one, go out and get one. A good start would be a twelve-gauge shotgun. You can buy one without going through all the hassle of getting a handgun and loaded with buckshot there is no better close up protection.

Don’t leave the protection of your home to the likes of Janet “everything’s alright” Napolitano. Or Harry “the surge is not working, the war is lost” Reid.

It’s coming folks, be ready for it.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, and for our country

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels

© Copyright The Charlie Daniels Band

Gill Rapoza
Veritas Vos Liberabit

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