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Saturday, April 3, 2010

When Utopianism Is Shattered By Reality

When Utopianism Is Shattered By Reality
March 29, 2010

“You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.”
“In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: Who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: Who does not obey shall not eat.”
~ Leon Trotsky (1879–1940)

What sort of national leader persecutes the people within the nation he rules? That question can be answered in part by asking another question: Which Emperors led Rome in persecuting Christians? Serious students of Roman history are taught that it was under those Emperors which historians consider the “good” Emperors that Christians had the most to fear. Why? The answer resides in the assumption that the “good” Emperors were those men whose overriding concern was for the welfare of the Empire.

On the other hand “bad” Emperors placed most of their time and attention on their own hedonistic pleasures while caring little or nothing for the Empire’s security, or its economic problems.

Marcus Aurelius (A.D. 161–180) was considered one such “good” Emperor and was proclaimed a great Stoic philosopher for his composition “Meditations.” As such, he was, in the beginning, respected by a number of Christian communities. That is until the Empire began having serious problems.

In 162 A.D. Rome faced a devastating famine which had resulted from a noteworthy deluge of the Tiber River. This flood had destroyed a significant portion of Rome, left fields unusable, and drowned cattle. On the heels of the Tiber flood the empire experienced earthquakes, a series of fires, then plagues of insects.

These events, understandably, began to unnerve the populations in the various affected provinces. The people’s discontent took the form of questioning: “Why have the ancient Roman gods allowed this to happen to us?” “Who is to blame for our misfortunes?”

The local governors, faced with the growing discontent of terrified and dispirited populations seeking an appropriate scapegoat, settled on the upstart Christian communities. This resulted in “new” decrees (Eusebius; Church History IV.26.5) being issued around the year 162 AD blaming the Christian communities for the Roman’s travails.

The problems faced by the emperor and the empire were compounded when the legions in Britain sought to persuade their general, Statius Priscus, to declare himself emperor and march on Rome. Further tribulations came with the uprising of the Parthians under Vologaeses III. Roman forces commanded by Serverianus were annihilated at the battle of Elegia in Cappadocia (presently eastern central Turkey) allowing the Parthians to overwhelm and occupy Syria.

Lucius Verus, the adopted son of Emperor Hadrian and co-regent with Marcus Aurelius, was considered a man of great courage with superior leadership abilities and as such it was decided he should be the commander which would contest the Parthian rebellion. Verus, however, had a problem. His luxurious lifestyle, gambling and a beauty by the name of Panthea – described as “low-born girl-friend” – along with various other “debaucheries” put the Armenian campaign and possibly the empire in peril.

Lucius, however, was blessed with very capable generals. Because of these generals the Parthian War was favorably concluded when the Parthian leader, Vologases IV, sued for peace then ceded western Mesopotamia to the Romans in late 164 or early 165 AD. It had taken nearly half the decade but the Romans finally had something to cheer over.

On Lucius’ return to Rome he was rewarded with a parade of triumph. The cheers of victory, however, were short lived because the returning military also brought with them a catastrophic disease. The whole Roman Empire was going to face and deal with what historians call the Antonine Plague.

This plague, whether small pox or measles, would ravage the empire for some fifteen years, take the lives of Emperor Lucius Verus in 169 AD, his co-regent Marcus Aurelius in 180 AD along with an estimated five million people throughout the Roman Empire. It would also twist the Romans’ social and economic world into a monster of Biblical proportions.

The Antonine plague turned once thriving prosperous towns and villages from Persia to the Rhine into ghost towns. With a decimated population the empire’s economy teetered on ruin, yet taxes were increased to support greater military spending and an overstuffed bureaucracy. Huge “donations” of grain were stolen from the remaining farms to support the troops as well as the hungry in the large population centers, including Rome. Romans were saddled with land taxes, every imaginable property tax, occupation taxes, and poll taxes. Almost every attempt to be a productive citizen of the Roman Empire was penalized.

In the words of the 19th century historian Barthold Georg Niebuhr this plague during “the reign of M. Aurelius forms a turning point in so many things, and above all in literature and art, I have no doubt that this crisis was brought about by that plague... The ancient world never recovered from the blow inflicted on it by the plague which visited it in the reign of M. Aurelius.”

Adding to the suffering of the Roman people, weakened armies were sent to deal with Britons who threatened to revolt, barbarian tribes beyond the Alps looking to invade Italy and the ever seditious, unrepentant Parthians.

To the Roman people it must have seemed to have been the end of the world. The Roman hubris of invincibility which had prevailed during the years of Pax Romana (Roman peace) was now forever gone. No longer could the gluttonous and smug upper class, along with the corrupt and vile urban masses which had been appeased through imperial gratuities, punctuated with blood-drenched public games, pretend that everything in the Roman world was working in perfect harmony.

The once civilized Romans now actively turned their anger on the Christians, who they deemed responsible for every calamity the empire experienced. Ancient “tattletale” law concerning perjury was set aside to the point that Christian apologists were alarmed. (For an example of this ancient Roman law see 9.8.3.)

Clement of Alexandria writes: “For the shameless informers and coveters of the property of others, taking occasion from the decrees, openly carry on robbery night and day, despoiling those who are guilty of no wrong.”

All appeals to the emperor for justice fell on deaf ears; Christian blood was now to flow freely in many parts of the empire. The populations of the Roman Empire were to see, in all the accompanying death and misery visited on the Christian communities, justification that indeed, the Roman gods had been angered because the empire had tolerated Christianity. So the cry of the Roman masses Christianos ad leonem (Throw the Christians to the lions) continued unabated.

To be fair the Romans did offer Christians a means of escape, if they would only swear allegiance and offer incense to the Emperor they would be allowed to continue living. Those who didn’t? Well, they were immediately declared disloyal traitors who were planning to revolt against the empire.

The Christians’ refusal to be broken was a continuing bewilderment to Aurelius and the Romans, but ultimately their defiance was the very thing that saved them.

The previous account of Roman society during the reign of Marcus Aurelius shows clearly what can occur in any closely structured collective when that society comes under extreme stress. We all would like to believe we would never partake in wholesale murder, theft, or carnage as the Romans did. Only “evil” people do such things and “we” would never cross that line.

The Romans, in desperation, looked for and found a scapegoat. Yet, we witness, and then excuse, the same process when our national interests or national security are deemed threatened by an external or internal foe and many times on the slimmest of evidence or a plethora of state sponsored propaganda.

A case in point was the dehumanization of the German population in America and fear they were subjected to starting in 1915.

The dehumanization of those thought to be the problem or threat, will transform what had been ordinary, normal people into indifferent or actively willful participants in the most hideous crimes. It also causes otherwise loving mothers to wrap their sons in the flag and send them to war. Simply, mass fear causes otherwise rational, reasonable people to respond irrationally. The need to “conform” becomes mindless, brute conformity; we are no different than the ancient Romans and are subject to the same influences.

Recently I read a most interesting article written by Glenn Harlan Reynolds. In Consent of the governed – and the lack thereof Mr. Reynolds points out that “only 21 percent of American voters believe that the federal government enjoys the consent of the governed.” This is contrasted by a poll in which it was discovered that a “full 63 percent of the ‘political class’ believe that the government enjoys the consent of the governed.”

With 79 percent of those polled believing that there is no consent giving the federal government the right to rule; coupled with a continuing and ultimate economic catastrophe; unprecedented federal intrusion into the people’s personal lives; unparalleled political malfeasance; extortion; increasing social unrest with the rising specter of civil war, Americans should be concerned that their government maintains its rule only from a position of brute force. Here I presume that the remaining 37 percent of the political class feel secure in their despotism.

However, before we resort to the sharpening then brandishing of the long knives let us step back and see where we are today in the scheme of things. There is always enough time to fight but the time for reasoning and preparing may be far more precious and limited.

Ultimately we as humans want to be responsible for the safety and security of our families and communities. We take this responsibility willingly and because it is crucial; but to accomplish it we must survive the onslaught of powerful counterproductive forces. As such it is appropriate that the word survive contains the very essence of what is needed.

Size up the situation

Are we in imminent or immediate danger? If not, then what must be done or acquired to prepare for future possibilities? If we are in danger what response is morally justified and will assure the safety of our loved ones and others in our group?

Are we being manipulated?

For an intriguing discussion of free market thinking and why it is so productive, I highly recommend a wonderful little book by Tom Baugh. In Starving the Monkeys Mr. Baugh lays out the case for free market economics in a manner that is easy to read and rife with personal experiences.

If you enjoyed Atlas Shrugged you will find in Mr. Baugh gives an up-to-date and no-nonsense “examination of the problems, and solutions that are more practical than hoping to run away to a prepared Galt’s Gulch retreat or community.”

Beyond this Mr. Baugh gives the reader sound reasoning for a solid education in math and the physical sciences with practical means of resisting government influences. Mr. Baugh is not interested in telling you what to think but seeing that you have the tools to make good rational and ultimately life saving decisions.

What is the psychology and methodology of those forces arrayed against us?

The human capacity for evil, as seen above, is almost limitless. The psychology behind conformity to immoral social pressures is fully explored in Philip Zimbardo’s book, “The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil.” Mr. Zimbardo also gives an excellent discussion on heroism and how ordinary people can successfully resist the powers of a cruel out-of-control system.

Don’t bet for a moment this country is immune to the ravages of “good” people.

Undue Haste will be disastrous

Don’t allow irrational fear or anger to be the driving force in your actions. Conserve your resources and energy until you know what must be done then move quickly.

I was interested how the economic law of scarcity came into focus during Gerald Celente’s recent experience during the earthquake in Chile. Mr. Celente recounts that he “bolted from bed, put on his pants, slipped on his shoes, grabbed his jacket and ran for the stairwell.”

He goes on to report his thoughts were “get out of the hotel before it collapsed. Nothing else counted. Personal possessions (passports, wallets, money, watches) became instant nonessentials. When it comes to life and death, the only things to leave behind are everything.” (Emphasis mine)

Mr. Celente took exactly what was needed and moved quickly to find the scarcity of safety.

Unless there is an immediate need (as in the case of an earthquake, or a medical emergency) to move or act, energy and resources are precious and time of less importance.

Resist – Remember who and where you are

Take stock of yourself. Are the actions of the group rational and consistent with your own moral code? If not then find others who will be supportive. A good support group can make all the difference in your survival. If you are in a group where there is dissension; get out. The infighting and bickering will only get worse as the stress on the group increases.

Even though those second-century Christians were armed they refused to fight. Why? As a small community within the Roman Empire, they knew it was futile and would only lead to more deaths within their own ranks. The simple principle is that without the majority supporting an armed rebellion it is doomed to fail and the Roman population was in no mood to support anyone.

Have an escape plan in place and be prepared to use it.

Vanquish Fear and Panic

I have no idea how many have lost their lives because their emotions overrode their common sense.

Recently, I received an email from a friend in which he noted that in an emergency (a fire for example) in a public building, where a large crowd is present, the majority of dead will be found at the front door. I have since found out that under life and death stress most will egress a building by the same route they entered. In short, don’t follow the herd.

In the event of social chaos, panic and fear will be lessened by family, friends and faith.


No matter what the emergency you won’t have everything you need. Look around you; you will be surprised what is available to help you.

Value Living

No matter what occurs don’t give in to pessimism or defeatism. Shun those people like the plague.

Essential skills

Learn and train yourself in skills which you feel are indispensable; especially those things, which at present, someone else has to do for you.

Learn how to barter and trade value for value.

This is by no means an extensive list and it should be expanded, but use it as a good starting point.

We are already witness to the dehumanization of those who are opposed to the present administration and its agenda. It is only going to get worse. Everything you put into place now will be to your advantage later.

Contrary to the beliefs of some, we don’t have to suffer the fate of those second-century Christians.

For far too long we have allowed ourselves to be deluded into thinking that Americans would always be free; that guaranteed “checks and balances” within government would never allow to occur what we witnessed over the last few weeks with the “health care” monstrosity. Reality has finally assaulted our idealistic fantasies, now the devil wants his due.

Oh, and don’t bet that Leon Trotsky was wrong on either of his points; I guarantee you will lose the bet.

I opened this article with this question. “What sort of national leader persecutes the people within the nation he rules?” I’ll wager you already knew the answer.

Tim Case [send him mail] is a 30-year student of the ancient histories who agrees with the first-century stoic Epictetus on this one point: “Only the educated are free.”
Copyright © 2010 by Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

Gill Rapoza
Veritas Vos Liberabit

Friday, April 2, 2010

Seven Last Sayings of Jesus on the Cross

Hello List Members, Family, Friends, (and others not generally on my list or blog,)

Below is my Good Friday message.  I have written several Resurrection Day (Easter), Christmas, Thanksgiving, and other special days’ writings, but I wanted to give this one a go.  No politics today and I don’t plan on doing anything on any of the other lists I run or am on. 


Gill Rapoza
Veritas Vos Liberabit

Seven Last Sayings of Jesus on the Cross
Good Friday
Gill Rapoza
April 2, 2010

These are the last seven sayings of Jesus while He was on the cross for you and for me.  I have added the simplest of personal commentaries.  No great scholarly work on my part.  I did not go to a Bible college or seminary, but I believe Scripture was intended to be understood in simple terms almost always. 

1.      Luke 23:34
Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” And they divided His garments and cast lots. 

How many of us know the full consequences of each or any of our sins?  Jesus was willing to forgive, but we must first throw ourselves down and ask for the mercies and forgiveness Jesus was cursed for. 

2.      Luke 23:43
And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

The thief on the cross next to Jesus admitted his own sins, and admitted he deserved to die.  He simply turned to Jesus and asked Him to remember unworthy man in the Kingdom belonging to Jesus.  Jesus granted him the forgiveness and mercy he sought. 

3.      John 19:26-27
When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, “Woman, behold your son!”  Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother!” And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home.

Even as New Creatures in Christ, AKA Born Again Believers, we still have duties to care for one another.  Not the government, not any agency, but it is a personal command, different for one or another.  John treated the widow woman (Jesus’ mom), who was seeing her son dying, with compassion, like that of his own mother. 

4.      Matthew 27:46
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”

God the Father turned His back on Jesus the Son.  This had never happened in time or eternity.  The reason God would turn away from any of us is due to the smallest of sin.  Jesus became that sin for me, and for you.  Only one very foolish would remain forsaken when the free gift of eternity was paid for right then and there. 

5.      John 19:28
After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I thirst!”

Jesus in His very human and suffering state was thirsty.  Jesus went through three quick illegal trials, a severe beating and torture.  He carried the large instrument of death on His shoulders up the hill to His own death.  It hurt greatly, and He was thirsty.  He carried heavy wood up the hill, and then carried the sins of the world on His whole body and Person.  No body fed Him.  He remained thirsty until He died. 

6.      John 19:30
So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.

The Roman soldiers mocked Him, and gave Him a distilled drink of sour wine, perhaps with crude narcotic so the soldiers did not have to hear His anguish.  It was not because the soldiers of “Pax Romana” had any pity.  There were no more needed sacrifices for the Jews, which were temporal at best.  It was finished because the real thing was here.  Jesus was that sacrifice.  No more need for the Temple.  No more waiting for the coming Messiah.  He was there in person.  All that was written and said before was finished.  Jesus was before them and most missed it.  It was finished! 

7.      Luke 23:46
And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, “Father, ‘into Your hands I commit My spirit.’” Having said this, He breathed His last.

There was nothing left to do, so Jesus made the final commitment and gave up the last breath of His life to the Father.  Complete trust and faith that the Father would honor the final sacrifice, and no more needed to be done.  The Father would do as Jesus trusted and raise Him up again on that third day.  We get to expect the same thing when we fully trust and commit to God.  Jesus made the sacrifice, and we plead the Blood of Jesus and on God’s mercy.  As an old preacher friend of mine use to say, “It’s a done deal.”  And it was, and it is. 

Sunday will be my Resurrection Day follow up, and I don’t plan that it will be long.  As great a sacrifice as it was for Jesus to go to the cross for us, it would not be complete at all without His return to life, The Resurrection. 


Gill Rapoza
Veritas Vos Liberabit

All of the Bible quotes English were from the New King James Version
“Scripture taken from the New King James Version. – Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

As always, if you have comments, questions, and even complaints, send them my way.  I will answer what I can when I can. 

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Passover Message

Hello Everyone, 

Here is a very pleasant and insightful message from David Stolinsky.  This is about the second or third message I have posted from Dr. Stolinsky.  He has quite the passion for truth and clarity. 


Gill Rapoza
Veritas Vos Liberabit

A Passover Message
David C. Stolinsky, MD
April 1, 2010

On Monday evening, Jews − as well as many Christians − began the observance of Passover. This Sunday is Easter, which this year comes at the same time for both Western and Orthodox Christians. For a moment, let us put aside the deep religious significance of these holy days. Consider the important secular message of Passover.

Young people, if they are taught anything at all about Passover − which is becoming increasingly unlikely − will say that it commemorates the liberation of the ancient Israelites from slavery in Egypt. This explanation is correct, but seriously incomplete. It leaves out the two most important pieces of the story: Who brought about their liberation, and for what purpose?

One need not be a biblical scholar, which I surely am not, in order to answer these key questions. One need only read a single verse:

And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me.
Exodus 8:1 (King James Version)

The answer to the first question is clear. Moses led his people out of Egypt and toward the Promised Land, and out of slavery to freedom. But it was God who caused this liberation to occur.

This is no surprise to those of us old enough to have been forced to memorize in school. Now, of course, memorization is “old fashioned,” and children are asked not what some text says, but how they “feel” about it. But how can you know what to “feel” about something when you don’t know what it is?

In my day, we memorized “My Country ’Tis of Thee,” also called “America,” the beautiful song − hymn, really − we sang at school assemblies. It almost became our national anthem, but the fact that it has the same melody as “God Save the Queen” was against it. We always sang the first verse, and often the fourth:

Our fathers’ God, to thee,
Author of liberty, to thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright
With freedom’s holy light.
Protect us by thy might, great God, our King.

As a child, I learned that freedom is holy because God is its source. Not the government, not even the Constitution, but God Himself. True, the lesson was subliminal, but if anything, that made it sink in even deeper. And if singing was not my forte, I had the Declaration of Independence to study:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

There it is again. We are endowed by the Creator with rights. Not the by the government, which had not yet been established. Not by the Constitution, which had not yet been written. Not by the Bill of Rights, which had not yet been proposed.

No, our rights come from the Creator. What is more, our rights are unalienable, or as we would say, inalienable. That is, we can’t give them away, even if we want to. We should remember this key point when we talk about nationalized health care, and all the other usurpations of our rights that our so-called representatives in Congress greedily enact.

How many of our rights can we give away (remember unalienable?) until we are no longer free, and what is worse, no longer deserve to be free? How high a tax rate can we bear before freedom becomes merely a hollow concept with no reality?

This year, average Americans will have to work from January 1 to April 9 to pay their taxes. That is, we will have to work for no wages 27% of the time − and this is sure to increase, in view of our monstrous deficits. But what is slavery if not a 100% tax rate? The slaves in Egypt got free food, free housing, free health care (such as it was) and a guaranteed job − just as convicts in prison do today.

In fact, some Israelites did not want to leave Egypt. They were accustomed to being slaves − they were afraid of freedom. Others did leave with Moses, but later changed their minds and wanted to return. They had tasted freedom, but they preferred slavery.

Such people deserve pity and contempt. But these people are taken as role models by those Americans who want the government to control virtually every aspect of their lives, from light bulbs and toilets to health care. Like the faint-hearted who wanted to return to Egypt, those Americans tasted freedom but prefer slavery.

We have answered the first question. We know Who liberated the people from slavery, and Who is the source of liberty. But what about the second question? What is the purpose of liberty?

Liberty is like health. It is good in itself. But like health, it is also good because it allows us to do…what? Anything that’s legal? Anything we can get away with? Anything that feels good? Anything we please?

This brings us back to the message of Passover. Moses was instructed to go to Pharaoh and tell him that the Lord says to let His people go, that they may serve Him.

Liberty has a purpose: to allow people to live useful, productive lives in their communities. But not useful and productive in a purely economic sense, as a Marxist would insist. No, useful and productive in a deeper sense. Useful in helping those who need help. Productive in making things or providing services that people really need to improve their lives, and not mere gizmos that complicate their lives and deplete their finances. Useful and productive in being moral citizens, and raising children to be the same.

In short, the purpose of liberty is to enable us to live virtuous lives. If this seems too religious for a secular topic, or even self-righteous, consider this quotation from John Adams, our second president and a signer of the Declaration of Independence:

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Adams’ point is painfully clear. A Constitution that allows the people broad freedoms requires that the people use those freedoms wisely. But if people act irresponsibly, like impulsive teenagers, one of two results will surely follow: (1) the nation will disintegrate into chaos; or (2) the government will become more and more tyrannical.

Either people will control themselves, following moral principles derived from religion, or the government will have to control them. There are now over 307 million Americans. That many people, most of whom crowded into urban and suburban areas, must act responsibly, or else external controls will be inevitable. Adams knew what he was talking about.

Americans pontificate incessantly about freedom. We used to mean what we say. But do we still? Or is it just words?

We give lip-service to liberty. But are we sincere? Or do we really prefer that bureaucrats make key decisions for us? Would we rather take responsibility for ourselves and our loved ones, or vegetate in the temporary and false security of a nanny state?

Do we want to strike out on our own, facing the future with faith that God will show us the way? Or do we want to slink back to Egypt, and let Pharaoh run our lives for us?

I wish you a happy and a thoughtful Passover.

Dr. Stolinsky writes on political and social issues. Contact:
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Signed Into Law on March 23rd

Signed Into Law on March 23rd
The Health Care Bill Was Signed Into Law on March 23rd, 2010;
Something Else Was Also Signed Into Law on March 23rd, 1933
Laurie Roth
March 26th, 2010

President Hitler signed a shockingly similar bill with similar tactics used to get it signed….threats, harassment, false promises, intimidation, invented crises.  Gee….did Obama take lessons from Hitler?  He certainly proudly taught ACORN workers from Saul Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals, so why not go back to the original power whore, crowd manipulator and evil visionary?  On that fateful day, March 23rd Hitler signed into law the National Law for Removing the Distress of the People bill.  It was also called Hitler’s Enabling Act.  I talked with Steve Eichler of this week on air about these two dates and the horrifying similarities of the two events in history.  Steve and I probed whether we were indeed reliving history.  We both studied the events of 1933 and 2010 and said a big fat yes!

It is horrifying how similar both acts are.

First of all, understand Hitler was a brilliant, charismatic speaker who said things in style, lied through his teeth and manipulated whatever he had to, to get a vote and power.  His big dagger in the heart of the German people and constitution was to somehow get the vote by Parliament to pass his Enabling Act, which, due to contrived crises and manipulated need would give him total power, full power without the need of any more votes or Parliament.

Obama also seduced 60% of the nation, congress and most the media into not asking real questions and just believing his countless lies.

What did Hitler do?  He first manufactured the need and crises.

Hitler promised Health care for everyone, jobs for 100% of the German people and protection from what he called the beginning of a widespread uprising.  This was the mythological uprising he and his Nazi party created by burning down the German government building, causing huge panic and rage in the people.  Hitler at the time blamed the horrific burning on the communists, thus he needed a vote for his Enabling Act to stop this out of control terror in Germany. 

Napolitano, Homeland Security and Obama have called conservative Americans domestic terrorists, even returning Vets.  We saw the other leaked report from the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) that listed Rev. Chuck Baldwin and Ron Paul and their followers of even being potential domestic terrorists.

In 1933 it was Jews and Communists.  In 2010 not only does this growing enemy list seem anti Semitic and anti Israel but Obama has new enemies to add.  These include Christians, gun owners, pro lifers, Vets, Tea Party people, Republicans.  Talk radio hosts and conservatives in general. 

Doug Hagmann of North East Intelligence Network confirmed these growing controls by our Government even more with a recent conversation he had with an intelligence source, who talked of Homeland Security actively investigating incidents and threats of violence made to at least ten Democrats.  Of course you would want and expect them to investigate if there were real threats but Doug said more lists were being made with their focus and suspicions on tea-party organizations and pro-life groups.

How did the Nazis get the votes for Hitler for the Enabling Act?


The Nazis chanted loudly around the opera house Parliament was voting in, “Full powers – or else!  We want the bill or fire and murder!!”  They also lined the halls and aisles, glaring and intimidating Parliament members to vote Hitler’s way….or else. 

False promises

Hitler needed 31 non-Nazi votes to pass his draconian bill and shred his country’s constitution.  He got those by promising a limited use of his power…only using it for critical reasons, he promised no more unemployment, peace with France, Great Britain and the Soviet Union and to sucker the Center Party to give him the votes he needed, he promised to give back some basic rights that had already been taken away from the them.

Hitler spoke; Hitler lied; Hitler intimidated; Hitler promised jobs, health care and safety; and Hitler won the vote 441 to 84.

March 23, 1933 everything changed for Germany.  After that vote, their constitution was shredded.  The most evil dictator of our time would rise to power, shockingly by the vote of the people in Parliament.  Massive controls, mass murders targeting, Jews, Communists, non supporters of Hitler and World war followed.

The Germans believed the speeches….promises of health care, economic revival and jobs for all.  No one thought in German Parliament that voting for Hitler’s Enabling Act would lead to the murder of millions of innocent people, destroy their freedom and bring WW11, but it did.

Look at the similarities:

Obama shockingly also signed the constitution shredding, freedom stealing Health care bill into law March 23, 2010 – 77 years later to the day.  He also gave speech after speech on America’s ‘crisis’ of health care and need for massive Government intervention and correction.

This Health care bill, like Hitler’s Enabling Act, forces many things on the American people.  For the first time in U.S. history it forces all Americans to have health insurance or face huge fines or even jail time.  This is forced health insurance that the Government says is acceptable.  Forcing the public to buy a product or service has never been done by our Government.  Obama and Pelosi are currently distorting and hiding behind the ‘commerce’ clause.  I have interviewed two constitutional attorneys on my national radio show.  They confirmed that the commerce argument trying to validate this mandate was 100% false and taken completely out of context.

Obama couldn’t find a more intimidating, powerful and menacing control of Health care than the dreaded and huge IRS.  It is almost as if he put the military in control of tracking us with the potential intimidation and enforcement plans attached.  It will be frightening enough with the IRS breathing down our throats.  Has plan of control kind of makes you think of the Nazi party.

Obama and the Democrats used the same intimation, bribes, and harassment and pay offs as Hitler did getting the votes to line up.  We saw the Louisiana Purchase, Corn Husker pay offs and pay offs to Stupack Airports.  All this and more suckered the pro life Democrats to sell out on the abortion issue.  They shamefully caved in when our manipulative and lying President, Obama offered the executive order to stop tax payer money from paying for abortions. In talking with several constitutional attorneys on this, they all said that issuing an executive order was pure theatre since NO EXECUTIVE ORDER CAN TRUMP A LAW JUST PASSED BY THE CONGRESS AND SIGNED BY THE PRESIDENT.

We will never know the amount of pay offs, bribes and intimidation that really happened to set up the vote for Obama.  We saw an example of how Obama’s goon Rahm Emanuel works, when he poked Rep. Eric Massa in the chest when they were showering.  He intimidated and harassed him, even physically poking him while naked to vote for Obama’s bill.  This was the Nazi like response from Emanuel to one of their own who had dared to vote no the first time.  Never mind that Massa was resigning largely due to his fighting cancer.

Remember, Hitler and the Nazi party started with promises of health care, environmentalism/green issues, promise of creating jobs and protecting the country from threats like the communists and Jews. 

Obama, has also started his first 15 months with false promises regarding jobs and the economy and health care.  Soon he will push amnesty to secure illegal votes from illegal aliens then cap and trade to shred, regulate and control American business.

He is pushing on several fronts for Health ID cards, forced worker cards, as was spoken about this month in the Wall Street Journal and smart grid technology to track all the energy and electricity used in our homes.  Think of it.  As Hitler quickly did, Obama is boldly attempting to collect, control on line, all our medical and mental health records, tracked through the IRS.  He is also planning to know who we all are, where we work, hiding behind the immigration issue.  We would have to have and show our worker card to have a job.  He even wants to control energy and the utility use in our own homes with the smart grid use and push. 

The Nazi party was proudly ‘Green’ and environmentally obsessed.  That was just one of their many attacks on the Jews….they were too capitalistic, they were mean to animals and the environment….lie lie lie.

Obama is also obsessed with passing the draconian and controlling, Cap and Trade bill that is based on fraudulent, global warming science.  This would micromanage, regulate and control American business right into the ground or simply turn them into obedient, surfs that forcibly serve Obama and the Government, or go bankrupt.

Violence followed the manipulated votes in Hitler’s direction after his health care, environmental, economic/job and national protection push in Germany. 

What will the American people do now with another unconstitutional bill designed to control us and shred our constitutional rights as Hitler did 77 years ago on the same day? 

So far the Attorney General suits are flying regarding the violation of 10th amendment rights and forced mandates.  Other law suits are lining up due to the multi layer, constitutional breaches.  The Tea Party groups are growing through the roof.  Faxes, emails and phone calls are flying to congress like never before and mental health centers and retirement services are hiring new staff just to absorb the amount of congress people who will be out of work after the Mid terms. 

We must march, scream, yell, write, call, vote, organize and pray.  Together we will get this nightmare regime out of congress and our White house back.  Violence is not what is needed but clear thinking and action is needed NOW.  We cannot allow what happened in 1933 to happen in 2010.  Wake up and focus America!

Check out this history yourself at

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Gill Rapoza
Veritas Vos Liberabit