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Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Perfect Storm

Hello All,

IT certainly is time to look at something besides the two major political parties. They are too much alike and neither of them look to really be for the American people.

I certainly hope the writer of this article is correct, that the American people will no longer take all that nonsense being sent our way.

Gill Rapoza

Veritas Vos Liberabit

The Perfect Storm

by Mary Starrett
Constitution Party Communications Director


Hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions don’t just happen. It takes a combined set of circumstances and conditions for each incident to occur. Pressure builds, moisture is trapped, temperature changes, plates shift and lava builds. It is only then that an event will be seen, felt, heard and experienced. Sometimes those natural events that have built up over time will result in cataclysmic changes so profound they alter the entire landscape and way of life for those living in the area. An undersea mega thrust earthquake on the day after Christmas, in 2004 resulted in a tsunami that forever changed the lives of those who lived in coastal Indonesia while ending the lives of more than 230,000 others.

I remember watching Mount St Helens blow its top and soon after I was sweeping volcanic ash from my driveway. Things were different after May 18, 1980. The mountain we viewed from our homes had a jagged edge to it now and the top was gone. 29 years later people in the Pacific Northwest can sometimes see smoke rising from this active “super volcano”. Experts agree it’s just a matter of time before another eruption occurs, making the last one pale in comparison.

Not since the War for Independence has this country teetered on such precarious ground; ground that was quaking and trembling with such monumental “what ifs” that it’s very existence weighed in the balance.

Would those who lived in the new country be subjects of a king or would they live as free men and women? They chose liberty and to that end they endured every manner of human deprivation- even loss of life to secure that end.

The perfect storm is building and once again it looks like Americans will not bow their knee as subjects to tyranny. I say this because despite the attempts to upend our Republic, despite the slide toward socialism and the frightening storm clouds that linger above us, sovereign citizens are roiling. Trend forecaster Gerald Celente says we’re witnessing a Second American Revolution and says a third party will send the two controlling parties packing.

Tea parties are all the rage these days and they are not going unnoticed despite the pejoratives the media elite use in dismissing the millions who protest big government policies. There is a growing number of groups forming and mobilizing the discontent Americans feel. A recent poll showed that Americans regard members of Congress as holding the “least favorably respected” job in the country. To that end grassroots efforts are underway to make sure they lose those jobs in 2010. Yes, the American voters are working toward mass layoffs for all but a few incumbents.

At Flip This House 2010 they’re working “to re-instill real values in our national politics. This isn’t about Democrats or Republicans.... it’s about grassroots, tea-party, freedom-loving Americans uniting behind a common goal of turning the current statist political machine on its head.

Simply put, it’s time to Flip This House!”

The non-partisan coalition is committed “Liberty and limited government” and “will stand with anyone and everyone who will stand with us in the great struggle against the ascendancy of the State. We want to rally hundreds of thousands of citizens who are fed up with the statist government and are ready to take bold political actions to Flip This House… beginning in 2010!”

Indeed, bold, political action will be required of all who genuinely desire relief from the scourge of D.C.

Another example of the tempest brewing among our countrymen can be seen in another endeavor to “ politicians.” GOOH (pronounced “GO”) reaches out to those who are “weary of the death grip the two parties have on our government, and are ready to return control of our government to the people.”

No wonder. A recent poll showed only 18% of Republicans believed their party’s representatives did a good job of representing their base. 74% said congress was out of touch with them.

Another poll showed only a third of Republicans in Arizona believe Senator John McCain has done a good job of representing Republican ideals. 61% say he is out of touch with his base. Considering the GOP’s 2008 presidential pick’s dismal track record on immigration, gun control, government spending and a host of other issues, it’s no wonder he’s being called “out of touch.”

What “bold political action” are you willing to take to live free?

What will you tell your children’s children about what you decided to do when the storm clouds were forming?

© 2009 Mary Starrett - All Rights Reserved

Mary Starrett was the Constitution Party candidate for Oregon governor in November, 2006, a TV news anchor and talk show host for 25 years and a radio talk show host for 5 years.

Executive Director, Oregonians for Life, Board of Directors, Christian Family Adoptions.

She is currently the Communications Director for the Constitution Party. The Constitution Party the fast-growing minor political party ( and is made up of Americans who believe a return to constitutional government is imperative.

Gill Rapoza

Veritas Vos Liberabit

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