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Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Charlie Daniels

Whether you refer to our government as a republic or a democracy you would be in error, in so far as what they’ve become in the last year. 

It is supposed to be “of the people, by the people and for the people,” representing the mandate of the majority of the citizens, guided by the opinions of the majority and sensitive to the needs and necessities of the population.

Our government -as it stands now- is neither republic nor democracy and is in the process of becoming something this country has always refused to live under, a dictatorship.

Barack Obama is a socialist elitist, who is firmly convinced that he and his bevy of flower child liberals know what is best for the people of this country, and he is riding roughshod over the electorate as if he was an emperor, Nancy Pelosi is an egotistical maniac who will try any dirty, conniving trick she can come up with to stuff their horrible health care bill down the throats of America, up to and including destroying the Democratic Party.

One of Nancy Pelosi’s aids was overheard on a conference call saying that congress had to get the bill passed before they went on spring break and had to face the wrath of an angry electorate when they went home and possibly lose the nerve to vote for it.

Now I ask you, is this what America has become under the watch of Obama and the Democrats? What a shame to see the greatest nation the world has ever known turned over to unethical, sickening megalomaniacs like Pelosi and Reid.

I will say it plain and simple, the health care bill is the straw that will break the camel’s back. America is broke, living on the credit of nations who don’t particularly like us, buying the lion’s share of our oil from countries who absolutely hate us and living under an administration that is bound and determined to turn this nation into a socialist state where the government controls every aspect of American life.

We the People are in dire straits and eminent danger and this time the threat does not come from the outside but from the inside.

We have an Attorney General who’s law firm has defended terrorists -along with many of the lawyers in the Justice Department- and he wants to hold terrorist trials in New York City. Never mind the sensitivities of the people who lost loved ones on 9/11. Never mind the terrible danger it would put New York in. Left to his own devices, Eric Holder would just stuff this atrocity down throats of New Yorkers, which seems to be the standard for the Obama administration.

Obama was elected president, not appointed king, Pelosi and Reid work for the people of this nation, not the other way around, and if they can’t run the government on the taxes the American people can afford to pay they need to get out of the way and let some people with common sense take over.

We are in a dangerous situation. The more czars the president appoints, the more American businesses the government takes over and the more regulations they institute, the bigger monolithic monster we create who would like nothing better that to run your life.

It’s time to put a screaming stop to this madness.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, and for our country

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels

© Copyright The Charlie Daniels Band

Gill Rapoza
Veritas Vos Liberabit

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