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Sunday, February 14, 2010


Charlie Daniels

I recently wrote a soapbox, which addressed the fallacy of evolution, and while the piece stressed my disbelief in the evolutionary theory and expounded my belief in creationism, I’m afraid that the crux and intention of my column was basically lost in the pro and con debate of evolution versus intelligent design.

What I really wanted people to take away from this column is the fact that at some time in your life, you’re going to realize that the only thing you have to depend on is Almighty God.

It could be in the immediate aftermath of a horrible accident when you’re lying on the ground with your lifeblood flowing out of your veins. It could be in a moment of imminent danger, it could be in the midst of sickness or grief or national emergency or it could be as you lie on your deathbed taking your last breath.

But at some moment in your life you are definitely going to realize that the circumstances you are in are way beyond the control of any human being on earth and if you’re going to get out of your dilemma it’s going to take someone much greater than yourself to reach out to you.

There is an old World War II saying, “There are no atheists in fox holes,” in other words, when death comes or is imminent.

Even the most hardcore unbelievers start grasping at straws and wondering what awaits one who has denied the existence of God on the other side of the veil of death they’re facing.

It is a pity that some of our greatest universities have turned into bastions of atheism where it is considered the coolest form of intelligence to deny the existence of God.

The Holy Bible speaks of a time like this when man considers himself more intelligent than the God who created him.

I need no further evidence than the word of God to confirm my belief in creationism. It supersedes all other writings on the creation of the universe and mankind and was inspired by not by humans but by the infallible Holy Spirit.

I speak from personal experience. There have been times in my life that no person or power on this earth could control the situation I was in, no human being had the power to change my circumstances, only the hand of God was capable of delivering me and at such a time the theories of people like Charles Darwin mean absolutely nothing and don’t even belong in the equation.

I know God is real, and it’s not because I read it in a book, I know it in my heart.

God is not a theory. God is not some academic undertaking to be disputed by men who consider themselves above divine wisdom.

God parted the Red Sea and made the sun stand still for a day, the children of Israel wandered in a desert for forty years while their shoes and clothes never wore out, and God fed them manna from heaven and made water flow from barren rocks.

If you don’t happen to believe in my God I can only say that you will one day. You will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this universe and everything in it was created by Him. And you, along with Charles Darwin, will bow and acknowledge Him as creator and His Son, Jesus Christ, as King of Kings and Lords of Lords.

You can intellectualize all you want to but this is going to happen.

You can believe it now or believe it later, but believe it you will.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, and for our country.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels

© Copyright The Charlie Daniels Band 

Gill Rapoza
Veritas Vos Liberabit

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