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Friday, February 26, 2010

It’s Called Responsibility

It’s Called Responsibility
Charlie Daniels

People who lived on a farm back in the 40’s (and before) learned very early in life that if they didn’t gather their crops when they were ready, they were going to lie in the field and rot.

If you didn’t cut and bring in the firewood at night the family was going to be cold and hungry the next morning.

If you didn’t hoe the weeds they would take over the crops and you’d have nothing to sell at harvest time.

There were no subsidies, no fallbacks, no safety nets. You either worked hard and made a harvest go or you let things go to pot and let your family starve through the next winter.

There was no one to do the work for you, no one to blame it on if you didn’t make it and no welfare agency that would take you in and coddle you from cradle to grave.

It used to be if you fathered a child, a judge would make you support it until it reached the age of majority.

If you insulted a man he was apt to pop you in the mouth and nobody blamed him for it.

If you tried to break into somebody’s house and you died in the living room from a shotgun blast, society just buried you and got on with their business.

A man’s word was his bond and a handshake was just as good as a hundred-page contract.

There was a time when I’d never met anybody who questioned the existence of God.

There was a time when people realized that if you went in debt for more than you could afford you were tying up your future and the quality of life you could expect to live until the debt was satisfied.

Unfortunately, on a national basis we saw those qualities disappear with steam locomotives and saddle oxfords.

Personal responsibility has gotten rarer and rarer as the years have gone by and the nation is paying for it and is going to pay much more dearly for it in the future.

Green idealism has replaced common sense in California where some of the most productive farmers on the planet are denied water to nourish their crops to save some fish nobody outside biology class has ever heard of and couldn’t care less about.

The global warming lie and its ramifications have already cost billions of dollars that will just disappear into thin air and into Al Gore’s bank account.

The federal government is spending America into the global poorhouse and nobody in Washington has the gonads to put on the brakes.

America, where once a family could sleep soundly through the night behind unlocked doors has become the hunting ground of thieves and predators and the best thing the liberals can come up with is to take guns away from law abiding citizens.

Is this responsibility?

The interest alone on our national debt piles up billions of dollars a day and Obama just keeps on printing and spending.

Is that responsibility?

We put our military in impossible situations expecting them to be politically correct in the face of death and prosecute them if they don’t.

Is this responsibility?

One kid who doesn’t even have a job fathers five or six children and gets away without supporting any of them.

Is this responsibility?

America is suffering from a bad case of putting the blame on anybody else except the man in the mirror.

It ain’t never gonna work.

Pray for our troops, and for our country.

What do you think?

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels

© Copyright The Charlie Daniels Band

Gill Rapoza
Veritas Vos Liberabit

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