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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rapoza Rants – December 8, 2009

Rapoza Rants – December 8, 2009
By Gill Rapoza 

Here is the latest edition of Rapoza Rants. 

And, as I have the liberty in this writing format, the sarcasm mode will be frequently ON for this post.  Remember to fasten your seatbelts.  It could be a bumpy ride. 

Ø      Investigation Priorities
Which is more important, investigating some White House party crashers or a thorough investigation of the Fort Hood Terror attack?  Well, I see that the Homeland Security Committee in the House of (sometime) Reps called for hearings already.  I have not seen any hearings on the Fort Hood terror attack.  Does this mean you have committed a greater breach of national security if you jumped in the house party?  I heard that the guy who lives there did not have paperwork either come to think of it.  I think they call people with questionable nationality and no legitimate paperwork of any kind, “undocumented aliens.”  But, let’s not jump to conclusions, I’m told. 

Ø      Military Sexual Harassment?
Why were all those top military officers ran ragged by the media in that stupid “Tail Hook” event so many years ago and the same press is not upset concerning those who knew something was wrong with the Muslim Major, Hasan the Terrorist, (rotting in Hell at a future date) was up to no good?  Is sexual harassment a greater crime than a guy who ended up murdering many innocents and failing to go out and get his 72 virgins?  Does Hasan the major Terrorist (Hell calling, your reservation has been confirmed) qualify as committing harassment in this case if he did it for the virgins?  If so we may have a case here, it seems. 

Ø      Navy SEALs and Abed The Religious Man
So the story goes, Ahmed Hashim Abed went along his merry way one day in Iraq, and for no reason at all, three mean ol’ Navy SEALs grabbed a hold of him and at least one of them must have punched him in the belly, and maybe hurt his lip.  It must have been the fault of the SEALs, after all there can be no good reason for Navy SEALs to be that far from the water.  They must have been looking for trouble.  And Ahmed Abed was a highly devoted religious man in the “Religion of Peace,” So you know, it must be something more than hanging burnt and tortured bodies from a bridge.  At least he did not throw shoes at anyone. 

Ø      Global Warming Email Crimes
There was a terrible crime in the news this past week or two.  Someone hacked into an email system and found a whole bunch of emails that demonstrated that the whole idea of global warming being man made was based on fraud and intentionally pumped up data to make it look man made.  This is terrible news.  I can’t wait for the congressional investigation that demonstrates how unlicensed computer users are doing terrible things with unlicensed computers.  The government really needs to regulate all the computers on the Internet.  We will surely need computer control that is at least as effective as gun control.  And what about the theory that hundreds of years ago scientists discovered the sun actually caused warming, and all over the globe?  Naw, must be just some right wing nut jobs that thought that one up so they can still drive around in pick-up trucks.  Al Gore, the smartest man in the world, would have told us so if we needed to know.  After all, he has a Nobel Prize just as good as BHO’s.  I heard Al was so upset that he cancelled his $1,200 per handshake meeting in Copenhagen.  Oh dear, how will he swindle, I mean make lots of money now?  There may be something rotten in Denmark this coming week.   

Ø      BHO’s Military Strategy Speech
I was just wondering a couple of things about the military strategy BHO talked about in his big speech the other day.  It must have been real important seeing my wife had to miss Wheel of Fortune and all.  You know that game where you spin the wheel and you have to guess the letters and eventually figure all the words in the puzzle.  I never seem to figure out what the point is in that game.  All that senseless clapping and cheering and all, every time somebody guesses near right and does not go bankrupt.  Oh wait, I was talking about BHO’s speeches.  I like to watch Vanna White, and I understand she does not even have a teleprompter.  I must have drifted off for a second there.  Getting back to that military speech…  It must have been OK with telling the bad guys the plan to leave on a certain date and timeframe.  I mean it worked so well in Viet Nam and all.  There can not be any truth to the ugly rumor that the “Anointed One” not having any military, or other practical experience come to think of it, makes him not qualified to be Commander-in Chief.  I know he has some experience in something or other when he was doing community service.  I have a nice picture of him hanging drapes over a doorway. 

Ø      Hate Crimes
I read the news about the four police officers murdered Washington over a week back.  I must have misunderstood the gravity of it.  I thought it was very important news even if it did get less press than the party crashers.  I know BHO was very upset when a Cambridge Police Officer arrested his friend the left wing professor (aren’t they all?).  After all, we were told, even if you say you don’t know the facts, cops are racists, and act stupid, so the Cambridge cop must have been stupid in his decision making.  Must be true if BHO said so.  And I’m still waiting for BHO’s explanations on why there was no “horror” at the ambush and murder of these four officers drinking coffee together.  And it could not be the murder’s (while he rots in Hell) fault, could it?  The “Wise One” must know and we mere mortals need not know why.  “Stop the hate” he tells us, so we don’t want to be thought of as hateful if we asked BHO why he did not express the same shock (at least) with the “four officers down.”  I wonder what the races were of each of the fallen, and that of the murder (while he burns in Hell).  No, I should not ask.  Asking may be a hate crime!  Maybe the family members of the fallen will be invited to the Rose Garden for a beer. 

I just turned the sarcasm mode OFF. 

Please do be careful out there my friends.  We are in frightening times I see, and I don’t know where we will end prior to the Second Coming of Christ. 

When all others fail and do wrong, you be the one that stands for that which is right.  You may take some licks, but you will get up again. 

I encourage you to pray for our nation, that she may return to the road seldom walked.  You pray for one another as well.  Outside of God Almighty, we are all we got on this earth! 


Gill Rapoza
Veritas Vos Liberabit

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