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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Man With No Honor

A Man With No Honor
Gill Rapoza
November 17, 2009

Just a brief post that portrays a strong message for now.  I’ll let a series of three pictures tell most of the story.

Picture Number One: When candidate BHO was running for office, there was a photo taken of him with Hillary Clinton and New Mexico Governor Richards while the Pledge of Allegiance was being recited.  Picture below: 

Note that Clinton, Richards, and an unidentified woman in the picture had no problem with the pledge and all placed their hands over their hearts out of respect for our flag and country.  BHO covered his crotch instead.  When questioned later, BHO’s supporters garbled something about he was not brought up to put his hand over his heart during the pledge, but only during the National Anthem.  Another reason given was that he was distracted and we did not see the whole picture in context. 

Picture Number Two: BHO went to Russia after becoming the president.  You recall the Russians, the folks that made Socialism and Communism the “in thing,” and killed millions in the process.  That was a reminder for those too young to recall or to have read their history.  What does BHO do in Russia?  Picture below:

BHO faithfully places his hand over his heart, and is otherwise standing at attention, out of respect for the Russians as they honor their military, play their song, and display their flag.  From what I have read from BHO’s fan club, he was just being “respectful,” as he was the “guest” of the Russian government on an official visit. 

How are we doing so far?  Is it proper that a “leader” of our nation would not place hand on heart at an American flag event, but will do so at Russian event?  No honor! 

Picture Number Three: Finally, BHO gets back home and Veterans’ Day comes around.  It is time to honor our veterans, particularly for those who gave all they had.  Big event.  The high ranking military officers on the podium all salute.  The civilian on the podium with BHO places his hand over his heart.  What does BHO do?  Picture below: 

The new “commander-in-chief” covers his crotch.  I see a man who does not respect his flag.  He does not respect his nation.  He “honors” the troops by covering his privates with his hands and gives that same smug and detached look he had in the first picture.  No excuse before and no excuse now! 

I have not heard the spin on this one, and it has been covered very sparsely.  None of the big media outlets mentioned or showed it at all that I can tell. 

What do you see in these pictures?  I see a man that does not show honor for our country, our flag, our troops, our dead, or the American people.  I see a man that gives reverence to Muslim leaders when he bows before them, a man that bows low to the leaders of other nations, and a man who shows indifference to our own. 

All in all, I see a man with no honor! 

Gill Rapoza
Veritas Vos Liberabit

Hello All,
Yesterday I put up this post entitled A Man With No Honor.  I wish to make a correction.
I have since been advised that there is a reasonable explanation for the third picture in the series.  BHO was at the Memorial Day service at Arlington on May 25, 2009, not Veterans Day.  The military officers and the civilian were paying tribute to BHO as he came out.  I have since found other pictures that indicate he placed his hand on his heart later on in the ceremony. 
Fair is fair.  The guy does enough to convince me where his heart is that there is no harm being truthful at all times.
Of course it does not explain the other pictures and all that submissive bowing to other leaders. 
I stand corrected on this point and thank the person that sent it to me, which I have already done in a separate posting.
Gill Rapoza
Veritas Vos Liberabit

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