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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Is It Evil or Narcissism?

Is It Evil or Narcissism?

By Gill Rapoza

October 10, 2009

BHO just got the Nobel Peace Prize for – drum-roll please – nothing. You thought he had a big head before, look out now. There is no telling what is next.

I have wondered if this guy has any clue what of he does and what he takes credit for. And I think the answer is yes.

He practically screamed about having to have a “stimulus” bill, “or else.” And the Bozo’s in congress bought into it. Our economy was going to get better, we were told. It got worse. The unemployment situation was going to get much worse with out this bill, it was said. It got much worse with it.

We got another bill BHO wanted; the “Cash for Clunkers” legislation passed to stimulate our auto economy. We spent billions of our tax dollars. Many dealers did not get paid when they were supposed to. Toyota, a foreign car maker got the greatest part of it, and they thank you BHO. BTW, did you know those that got the cash for many of those perfectly good “clunkers” will now pay income taxes on those new cars that many did not need. Now you can thank the IRS too.

Does BHO know anything about the “Czars” and others he has appointed or selected to be in high ranking positions? Is someone else picking these people and not telling him who they are? Would anyone intentionally pick people that they knew, or should have known were bad for the nation?

These are some of the BHO picked to advise and run your government:

  • For fans of the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), we have Kevin Jennings to make schools safe (while praising NAMBLA)
  • Then there is the avowed Black Nationalist and Communist, Van Jones, to make your environment a happy place. Yes I know he quit after it was known by the public that he made some odd speeches including some that looked pretty racist to most of us.
  • And in the science department we have John Holdren. It must be OK to have forced abortions and sterilizations if John the science guy tells us so. I recall reading how well that plays in Communist China, you know, where the government knows all and directs all.
  • Then for the PETA folks, we have Cass Sunstien. Animals are people too, or it was something like that I heard. If Cass gets his way, there will be lawyers for animals so they can sue people. No, really, I was not joking. Don’t make Fido or Fluffy mad, you know.

And there are more, but you get the point.

You have to wonder. I mean, while I don’t think BHO is Mr Brilliant, I do not think he is by any means stupid. I’ll give him that. So what does he gain by all this?

The title on this piece is “Is It Evil or Narcissism?” So if he is not stupid, and he is not, then what is the point? Does he mean to wreck us so he can be the hero of the day? That would be both evil and narcissistic. It says, look at me and look what I did to save you.

I wonder if BHO thinks that we are just stupid as citizens of these United States? That we can be fooled in this dangerous game? Then the hero rides in and saves us all? That is a scary thought. It leads to dictatorship and a loss of all our rights.

I recall a TV program several years ago where a mother kept taking her sick child to the doctors and eventually the hospital. The child kept getting sick and the medical people could not figure it out. Then, an important discovery was made. The mother was making the child sick herself, thus drawing all kinds of attention to her as she made what looked like valiant efforts to get her child treatment. Until she was discovered, she got all kinds of sympathy and accolades for what looked like her good efforts. What she was doing was called Munchausen by proxy.

Munchausen by Proxy Law & Legal Definition

Munchausen by proxy is a syndrome involving an individual, often a mother, who intentionally makes another person, typically their child, sick or convinces others that the person is sick. The parent or caregiver convinces others that the child has medical problems by lying and reporting fictitious episodes. It may involve physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, or a combination. Symptoms reported may be fabricated, exaggerated, or induced by the perpetrator. While not fully understood, many believe that the perpetrators of this deceit were victims of child abuse themselves or are seeking attention. All states require health care providers who suspect Munchausen by Proxy to report their concerns. It is also called Fictitious Disorder by Proxy syndrome and Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.

Now suppose what BHO was doing was something akin to Munchausen by proxy, but not medically, politically? Should we call it Munchausen by political proxy? BHO would be the alleged caregiver and the nation would be the patient. What happens when it all unravels?

Have you noticed BHO just craves attention? It seems the guy is on TV every moment he can. He is the star, so it seems. People are actually singing semi religious songs to him. Some folks sound like they pray to him. For anyone to accept this without missing a beat they would have to narcissistic.

There have been comparisons of BHO and Hitler because of his oratory and charismatic skills. I thought of Benito Mussolini as a little closer. Someone on the 92251 list sent me something mentioning Juan Perón of Argentina as having similarities. There were not TV cameras everyplace for Perón or Mussolini, so they would stand at podiums and balconies over the adoring crowds and accept the glowing praise. BHO’s personality seems to demand the same. The thing I recall from my reading is that Mussolini hated the church, as I think BHO actually does inside. I know that is not what he says. If I recall correctly, the governments of Perón and Mussolini ran smooth for a time, until it all came crashing down.

I can not help but observe that BHO gets or has gotten praises from Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, Father Pfleger, Muammar Qaddafi (who called him “a son”), Louis Farrakhan leader of the Nation of Islam (who called him a savior), Jeremiah Wright the Black Nationalist (his long time pastor – one of his mentors?), Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground, Dictator Fidel Castro of Cuba, and a host of others. I recall a candidate Obama telling us we should judge a man by his associates. That guy was right, then.

BHO goes all over the world telling every one how we are not Christian, that we are one of the biggest Muslim nations around, and seems to just plain say he is sorry that we even still exist. Of course if the Olympics would have come to town, his claimed home town of Chicago might not be so bad, or so he said on one of his self-serving missionary trips.

I don’t want the nation I love torn down. I don’t want us disrespected all over the world by a man with a giant ego. I don’t want us to look weak and then become so. I don’t want a sitting president of these United States taking the sides of a racist liberal professor over the police after saying he did not even know the facts. I don’t want anyone in the government to do anything but live up to the rules of the constitution and leave my family and me alone.

So what is BHO all about? I don’t see that he and his worshipers like America all that much unless they have it remade in BHO’s image. It is evil and narcissistic to tear down a nation just to save it in one’s own likeness.

So if your pals or associates are racist hate mongers, Communist and Socialist God haters, dictators, Muslim radicals, scientists who would force abortions, guys who praise men who like sex with young boys, people who blow up other people, and others that just have a bad attitude toward the rest of us, it does not leave a lot of options of who you would be. Bowing to the Saudi prince does not help a lot either.

And while some of you are still thinking about it, winning the Nobel Peace Prize is not such a big thing any longer. Yasser Arafat, a living terrorist and murderer got one of those in 1994, so if it means being labeled with that kind of evil doer, leave me out!


Gill Rapoza


As always, if you have comments, questions, and even complaints, send them my way. I will answer what I can when I can.

The usual Copyright © rules apply with the exception that this writing may be republished, reposted, or emailed providing the person or organization doing so does not charge for subscriptions or advertising and that the column is copied intact and that full credit is given to the writer. And please let me know if you want to post this someplace.

Gill Rapoza

Veritas Vos Liberabit

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